Advisory Board
Dr.-Ing. Elmar Beeh
German Aerospace Centre e.V.
Institute of Vehicle Concepts
Dr.-Ing. Heinrich A. Fuchs
Martinrea Honsel Germany GmbH
Dr. Guiscard Glück
SVP Structural Materials & Systems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Henning
Fraunhofer Institute
for Chemical Technology
Dipl.-Ing. Michael C. Just
Georg Fischer Automotive AG
Teamlead Material- & Process Development, Team Technology Schaffhausen
Andreas Kiefer
Atlas Copco
Industrial Assembly Solutions Division
Dr. Stephan Klose
Mercedes Benz AG
Dr. Oliver Schauerte
Volkswagen AG
Group Innovation
Thomas Schmitt
BMW Group
Dr. Wolfgang Schöffmann
AVL List GmbH
Prof. Dr. Tjark Siefkes
German Aerospace Centre e.V.
Director Institute of Vehicle Concepts
Dr. Ing. Martin Tauber
International Magnesium Association IMA
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Volk
Technical University of Munich